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๐ŸŽž Video-tutorials


With this Jira add-on your Jira Administrators will be more happier! This is an extension for your Jira to automatize some typical admin actions, like search for custom field and know the customfield_id, for workflow, for IssueType, to copy/paste and duplicate settings in customfield config, to put fields in multiple screens in the same tab, to hide IssueTypes with 0 tickets in workflow & issuetype schemes migrations... very useful sure! We use it each day! No configuration is needed; only install it, that's all! Plug'n'play.

You will be able also to put a banner countdown for maintenance purposes! 

Since february of 2023 Enlarge Excel Export for Jira features are included in Support Admin Tools

Since march of 2023 we can customize the IssueView Layout (expanding text-field multiline customfields or Table Grid customfields). You can also expand and collapse the right-panel of the IssueView to enalrge the width of the text-fields or Table-Grid fields

๐Ÿ‘‰ Summary video (2 minutes):

How to know the ID of a customfield, resolution, status, etc for Jira

How to put a countdown in the Announcement banner of Jira

Jira Server workflow migration help!! Using Support Admin Tools plugin

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