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šŸŒˆ General Usage


Create an Announcement Banner to be shown to your users

Go to ā€œAppsā€ ā†’ ā€œSupport Admin Toolsā€ : ā€œAnnouncement Bannerā€ option

Push the button ā€œAdd templateā€, then add the content and put a ā€œsummary nameā€ to your announcement.

Now just ā€œSaveā€ and ā€œActivateā€ to be shown to your users! 

(šŸ‘‰ Remember to always push the button Check change or refresh page to see the changes!)

Disable the Announcement Banner

Go to ā€œAppsā€ ā†’ ā€œSupport Admin Toolsā€ : ā€œAnnouncement Bannerā€ option

Open the active template and then desactivate the option ā€œBanner is shows to usersā€ and click "Save", the announcement banner will be disabled

Feature: Custom fields

Go to ā€œAppsā€ ā†’ ā€œSupport Admin Toolsā€ : ā€œCustom fieldsā€ option

In this view you will easily see the ID of the customfields that are so difficult to see in Jira Cloud and are so necessary for the development of integrations.

And... New features to come this 2023!

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