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🚀Getting started

Install the App

Install addon

Install the app using the standard process through Find new apps, as illustrated below.

General Configuration

Custom colors for statuses can be easily configured by adding the appropriate color code in the Description field. Refer to the provided color guide for a comprehensive explanation of all available colors.

To apply a color, enter the color name in lowercase and enclose it in parentheses within the description field, as shown in the examples below:

  • (red)

  • (orange)

  • (springgreen)

  • (black)

The following images illustrate this configuration process.

Colorizing Jira System Statuses (e.g., "Backlog," "In Progress") Using the Translate Option

Starting with Jira 8, Atlassian overrides the status description and enforces default colors for system statuses. This could pose challenges for customization. Fortunately, there is an easy workaround to change the color, even in Jira 8.

Simply use the Translate Status button to apply your desired color settings.

Insert the desired color code into the Description field.

The result is displayed as follows:

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