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đź›  General Configuration

General Configuration

You can easily set new colors for your statuses by adding the appropriate color code in the Description field. To do this, simply include the color name in lowercase within parentheses, as shown in the example below:


  • (red)

  • (orange)

  • (springgreen)

  • (black)

Refer to the color code page for a detailed explanation of all available color names.

How to colorize the Jira System Statuses like "Backlog", "In Progress", etc using the Translate option

Since Jira 8, Atlassian overrides the status description and uses the default color for system statuses, but you can still change the color. Here's how:

  1. Click the Translate Status Button: This button is available for Jira system statuses that are predefined by Atlassian.

  2. Enter the Desired Color: In the translation section, type the desired color name (in lowercase) within parentheses, like (red), (blue), (green), etc.

  3. Save the Changes: This will update the system status with the color you specified.

This method works even in Jira 8, where Atlassian's default color settings might prevent you from manually changing the color.

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