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đź“Ž Card Insights (Lead time and blockers)

Visualize time since commit, Lead time and Linked Issues in an easy way

Display blockers and dependencies (links) in cards

We’ve introduced a feature that lets you stay informed about all your blockers or dependencies without unnecessary delays. Just put the mouse pointer in the "clip" icon in the cards to show a popup with the linked issues and their statuses.

We’re thrilled to announce an upcoming update to the Kanban Combined WIP for Jira Cloud and Jira Datacenter, packed with powerful new features that will revolutionize your project management experience. This update, slated to hit the Chrome store in just a few days, brings a host of enhancements aimed at improving visibility, tracking, and overall efficiency within your boards.

Here’s what you can look forward to:

  1. Define “Committed” Status:

  • Customize your board settings by defining a dedicated “Committed” status. This allows you to clearly mark tasks that are officially committed to be worked on.

  1. Enhanced Card Insights:

  • Keep track of time elapsed since commitment with the new “Days since Committed” feature directly on your cards.

    • Color-coded backgrounds provide instant visual cues:

      • Green indicates a future due date.

      • Orange warns when a due date is approaching within one week.

      • Red signals that a due date has been exceeded.

  1. Lead Time Calculation:

  • Once a ticket is resolved, the card dynamically switches to display “Lead Time” instead of “Days since Committed”.

    • Lead Time is calculated as resolved date minus committed date.

    • Background colors signify:

      • Green if the due date is equal to or later than the resolved date.

      • Red if the due date is earlier than the resolved date.

  1. Instant Insight on Hover:

  • Hover over the “Days since Committed” or “Lead Time” values to reveal the exact dates in a convenient popup.

    • For instances where calculation isn’t initially available due to performance reasons, a question mark symbol “?” prompts you to hover for an instant calculation.

  1. Dependency Visibility:

  • The “has dependencies” icon is now intelligently displayed only for cards with linked issues, streamlining your view and focusing attention where it’s needed most.

These updates are designed to empower you with greater control, clarity, and efficiency as you manage your projects on Jira. Stay tuned as we roll out these enhancements, and keep an eye on the Chrome store for the latest version. We can’t wait to see how these features elevate your Kanban experience!

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