Ping & Pong - 1 - Overview
![]() Ping & Pong - Overview | Ping & Pong overview : In an ideal world, an incident is resolved quickly and without the intervention of too many support teams. However, in many cases, it happens that, support teams start sending incidents to each other again and again (ping pong), which of course is an unwanted situation. There is a correlation between “ping pong” behaviour and the overall duration of an incident. "Ping pong" is a special type of rework or LOOP, but not between activities but between support teams. This loop can have different ways of being evidenced. We distinguish two types of ping pong behaviour: "linear" and "circular". Both are characterized by having an unusual number of work transfers between support teams for a specific incident. In the linear behaviour of ping pong, the case goes back and forth between a very small number of teams. Circular ping pong, on the other hand, is characterized by incidents that are continually sent to other support teams, generating loops to explore. |
Ping & Pong - Overview : Responses to the questions posed by clients:
When an organization does not have identified support Teams: It is recommended to handle the information by manually creating these support Teams and subsequently loading the data. If the analysis yields positive results for the organization, it can be implemented in JSM for automatic generation. |