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⚙️ Browser Extension Configuration

Remember that the browser extension requires the Atlassian marketplace app to be installed by the site administrator, and it also needs a valid license. If this is the case, you should see a green indicator confirming that the license is validated correctly. Otherwise, please reach out to your site administrator to resolve the issue.


Custom Atlassian Sites

Does your Atlassian site have custom domains?
No problem. We take care of Atlassian's canonical domains:

  • https://**

  • https://**

But if your site does not follow these rules, then your site has custom domains active and you will have to perform one more step.

Simply activate the toggle to add the urls of your custom site and we will do the magic.



We also allow you to add multiple urls in case you work on more than one Atlassian site.


But keep in mind that the license validation is per site. So, if the Atlassian Marketplace app is not installed and licensed in the site's URL, unfortunately, we will not be able to apply colors to your statuses in that Jira instance. It will only work in the one that meets all the requirements.

This is not just a whim! Please be aware that each site administrator may have configured the same status with a different color, and we must respect that decision.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.